Brannon Howse: January 12 Five Stages of Collapse Part Two: Obama's chief of staff says that they can not let the financial crisis go to waste because they can do things throug
Brannon Howse: January 9 Live From Israel. Brannon interviews Avi Lipkin live from Israel. Topics Include: Why we really went to war in Iraq; Why do America's top politicians
Brannon Howse: January 8 Topic: Five Stages of Collapse. Description: Fed Governor Richard Fisher of the Dallas Fed says the only way for America to meet its financial obligat
Brannon Howse: January 7 Topic One: Will the antichrist be a Muslim? Topic Two: Political Hack to be new CIA Director? Why is this dangerous? Topic Three: Should the RNC pass
Brannon Howse: January 5 Topic One: Pro-Family leaders predict persecution is going to increase in America. One pro-family leader said it is time to prepare for persecution. H
Brannon Howse: January 1 Pastor Rick Warren says he is opposed to gay marriage but not gay partnerships. We take lots of your calls on this. Is this not like saying you are op
Brannon Howse: December 31 Guest: Dr. Rob Lindsted. Topic: Understanding What Happening in Israel, What The Media is Not Telling You and Why Christians Should Care. Who is HAMAS
Brannon Howse: December 30 Several men have been working for years to have the Southern Baptist Convention pass a resolution calling for Christians to pull their kids out of the
Brannon Howse: December 25 Today's Topics: The Constitution was not written to restrain the people but to retrain the federal government. What did some of our founders and past
Brannon Howse: December 24 Topic One: Fisher Price has a baby doll that says Islam is the light. You will hear it for yourself. the mainstream media has not reported on this tha
Brannon Howse: December 23 Brannon Howse: Guest: Former U.S. Congressman Bob McEwen. Mr. McEwen is an expert on free market enterprise and a Biblical worldview. Listen as this f
Brannon Howse: December 22 Topic One: New Ager Oprah Winfrey is looking for a house in D.C. so she can be close to President Obama? What is Oprah's agenda? Maybe the U.S Departm
Brannon Howse: December 18 Topic One: Barack Obama's pick to be the U.S. Secretary of Education is Arne Duncan. Arne currently heads the Chicago school system and is the man tha
Brannon Howse: December 17 Topic One: The attorney for the Ohio family that was raided by police with guns drawn for running a food co-op joins Brannon on the program to tell us
Brannon Howse: December 16 Main Topic: Something really stinks. Wall Street Coup D'état? The sub prime mortgage problem would be a $975 billion dollar problem at the most. Bran
Brannon Howse: December 13 Topic One: Is the world on the verge of being divided into 10 regions? Rev 17:12 says that 10 world leaders will give their power and authority to the
Brannon Howse: December 12 Brannon interviews Phyllis Schlafly and Tom Deweese on the resolution in the Ohio legislature that is calling for a Constitutional Convention. This wo
Brannon Howse: December 11 Topic One: Obama hopes to "reboot America's image" with the world's Muslims by using his middle name in his swearing-in ceremony. Reports are that Oba
Brannon Howse: December 10 Topics: Topic One: Financial Times article says a world government may now be plausible. Topic Two: Students will not get a failing grade in some scho
Brannon Howse: December 9 Guest: Dan Hayden, author of, Iraq: In the Crosshairs of Destiny. Topic One: The world began in Iraq and will be on the world stage for the end of tim
Brannon Howse: December 8 Topic One: Our website broke the national story of a Swat Team like Raid on an Ohio family over food co-op. People are fearful this is one of many sig
Brannon Howse: December 5 Topic One: VP for Governmental Affairs at the National Association of Evangelicals goes on PBS radio and admits to voting for Obama and to say that ev
Brannon Howse: December 4 Guest: Dr. Rob Listed. Topics: New study reveals that America's Christian and non-Christian students lie, steal and cheat at an alarming rate. Why are
Brannon Howse: December 3 Guest: Cliff Kincaid of Accuracy in Media: Topics: Topic One: Obama's administration choices show he is going to push the radical agenda of the United
Brannon Howse: December 2 Something is bad wrong when the liberal, secular media gets it and pastors don't! Pastor Ed Young Jr. gets raked over the goals by a CNN host who thin
Brannon Howse: November 28 Why Does God Allow Evil? Are There Contradictions in the Bible? & Why is Open Theism Heresy?
Brannon Howse: November 27 Brannon's Guest: Dr. Marshall Foster. Topic: The history behind the first Thanksgiving. Don't buy the politically correct version of Thanksgiving. Dr.
Brannon Howse: November 26 What is the worldview message that is being sent by the hit movie Twilight? Brannon interviews Eric Barger on this number one film that made $70 milli
Brannon Howse: November 25 Topic One: Atheists run ad that proclaims: "Why believe in god? Just be good for goodness sake." How do atheists define "good"? If something is good d
Brannon Howse: November 24 Topic: Can you explain the uniqueness of Jesus Christ in a world of religions? Brannon opens the phone lines and we hear from lost of callers. Then Br
Brannon Howse: November 21 Topic One: President Bush has just turned our economy over to the European Union, given away our sovereignty and put the International Monetary Fund a
Brannon Howse: November 20 Topic: Why Has the modern church and Christians become largely irrelevant in regards to having an impact on the culture and nation? Is it because the
Brannon Howse: November 19 Topic: Obama's Reeducation For Social Change. Understand The Goals of Obama's Radical, Anti-Christian, Socialist, Feminist, Pro-Homosexual Public Serv
Brannon Howse: November 18 The liberals have worked for years to get us where we are today. Listen and lean how Political Correctness (Cultural Marxism) came to America? How has
Brannon Howse: November 17 Special Presentation: Today we present a recent Worldview Weekend keynote presentation by Brannon Howse titled; Three Worldview Trends battling for yo
Brannon Howse: November 14 Cal Thomas says Christians should give up on elections and being involved and just fade away into obscurity? Cal needs to follow his own advice and go
Brannon Howse: November 13 Topic One: Brannon returns to the radio studio for his live show minutes after saving a black lab from the interstate that had been hit by a car. Bran
Brannon Howse: November 12 Topic One: Obama wants to "require" 50 hours of community service for middle school and high school students. Why is this dangerous? What worldview le
Brannon Howse: November 11 Topic One: The financial talk heads on mainstream TV are clueless. They did not see what was coming and they don't see where we are going. Peter Schif
Brannon Howse: November 10 Topic One: Obama says he is going to fundamentally change America. Topic Two: Obama calls for a well funded, civilian, security force? What does that
Brannon Howse: November 7 78% of Jewish people polled voted for Obama? 26% of evangelicals polled voted for Obama? This shows that we at Worldview Weekend have our work cut out
Brannon Howse: November 6 Brannon interviews Michael Reagan, David Barton and Tim Wildmon on the election of Obama. Topics Include: Has America shifted to the left and socialis
Brannon Howse: November 3 Topic One: If McCain looses the liberal republicans will blame the pro-life, traditional marriage Sarah Palin and the Reagan Republicans that supporte
Brannon Howse: October 31 What causes poverty? Will redistribution of wealth fix poverty? Who is responsible for much of the poverty in America?
Brannon Howse: October 29 Guest: Tamara Scott. Topics: Obama's 2001 interview calling for redistribution of wealth; Obama's national healthcare will lead to active euthansia; T
Brannon Howse: October 24 Topic One: How much time do we have before a new war in the epicenter? Topic Two: Implications of this financial apocalypse. Topic Three: We already r
Brannon Howse: October 23 Topic: Christian Talk Radio About to Be Outlawed As We Know It Today. Guest: Craig Parshall from NRB on the Fairness Doctrine. President Obama could i
Brannon Howse: October 22 Guest: Brannon interviews Jessica who received a visit from the Secret Service after an telling an Obama telemarketer that she would not vote for him,
Brannon Howse: October 8 Topic One: Capitalism has become creditalism. Topic Two: Days from becoming the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history, Lehaman Brothers gave millions to