Brannon Howse: Janaury 23, 2017 Topic: The myth of discernment ministries as portrayed by Christians and pastors that use the term as a pejorative. Topic: Why does Brannon not refer
Brannon Howse: January 20, 2017 Brannon provides rolling commentary as he plays most of the Inauguration speech of President Donald Trump. First Brannon plays a collection of audio c
Brannon Howse: January 19, 2017 Guest: Peter Pry. Topic: Former CIA officer Peter Pry joins us to discuss the attacks by the intelligence community on President-elect Trump. What doe
Brannon Howse: January 18, 2017 As we are just hours from the end of the Obama Administration we take time to examine how Obama has kept his promise to fundamentally transform Americ
Brannon Howse: Janaury 17, 2017 Guest: Jason Pratt. Topic: A news report from last year out of Florida by an NBC affiliate and another one from this week by CNN show alligators so la
Brannon Howse: January 16, 2017 The similarities between President John F. Kennedy and Donald J. Trump. Topic: Some of the liberal and globalists inside some of the national sec
Brannon Howse: January 13, 2017 Guest: Shahram Hadian and Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Shahram is a former Muslim now Christian pastor. Shahram joins us to explain the evidence that the Ft.
Brannon Howse: January 12, 2017 Guest: Jim Osman. Topic: Why equal distant letter spacing to find secret codes in the Bible does not line up with the Bible. Topic: Andy Stanley’s m
Brannon Howse: January 11, 2017 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Mike Gendron joins us to cover the news report that Albert Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Mark Dever and David Platt will be taking
Brannon Howse: January 10, 2017 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: How and when did the Earth, the sun, the moon and the stars come into ex
Brannon Howse: January 9, 2017 Topic: Brannon begins the program reading from the Al Mohler article in which Mohler says that we must put Communist and terrorist Nelson Mandela on t
Brannon Howse: January 6, 2017 Irony & hypocrisy? Hear the audio clip of Al Mohler declaring and pontificating on how Christians that supported Trump were showing a lack of disc
Brannon Howse: January 5, 2017 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 15.0px Helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} Guest: Charles Clough. To
Brannon Howse: January 4, 2017 A well-known worldview organization sent out an article on December 23, 2016 entitled: What the Bible Says About Poverty. However, there is a MAJOR pr
Brannon Howse: January 3, 2017 Christians still believe the earth is flat? Sounds like a joke but sadly it is not. Brannon reads an e-mail from a self-described Christian that claim
Brannon Howse: December 30, 2016 Guest: Mike Gendron, Usama Dakdok, Justin Peters. Topic: These broadcast partners joins us to tell us what they believe was the biggest trend and news
Brannon Howse: December 28, 2016 Today Brannon discusses the crisis of our American healthcare system. Not every American drives the same kind of car, lives in the same kind of house,
Brannon Howse: December 29, 2016 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Breaking News! President Obama expelled 35 diplomats over the alleged cyber attack on the US election. Topic: Russia & T
Brannon Howse: December 27, 2016 Brannon begins the program by taking about God’s providence in the life of his father-in-law and family as Brannon and his wife rushed him to the ER
Brannon Howse: December 22, 2016 Topic: In this 2016 Christmas special Brannon plays two songs he recorded specifically for this broadcast that will be included on his next album comi
Brannon Howse: December 21, 2016 Topic: Study finds 1 in 6 Americans on psychiatric drugs, and many for anxiety and depression. The Bible declares that anxiety can bring depression. T
Brannon Howse: December 20, 2016 Topic: Sinful anger versus righteous anger. Today Brannon shares about his belief that a small percentage of Christians seem to never have any or litt
Brannon: December 19, 2016 Guest: Dr. Peter Pry. Former CIA officer and analyst Dr. Peter Pry joins us on the breaking news of a Russian Diplomat assassinated in Turkey by a Mus
Brannon Howse: December 16, 2016 Guest: Shahram Hadian & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: In this program you are going to hear the live breaking news as it unfolded on the air. One hour bef
Brannon Howse: December 15, 2016 Guest: Usama Dakdok & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Brannon shares a report from a listener he knows that e-mailed him about a group of Middle-Eastern men
Brannon Howse: December 14, 2016 Some military and national security experts Brannon is personally talking to are telling him that they are sleeping better now than they will after Tr
Brannon Howse: December 13, 2016 Brannon received an e-mail from a young father that was raised in a Christian home, a Christian school, and attended an evangelical church. Yet, he sa
Brannon Howse: December 12, 2016 Topic: Why has Donald Trump picked more generals to serve in his administration since World War II? The answer could tell us a lot about Trump or the
Brannon Howse: December 9, 2016 Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to discuss these topics: Palestinian Authority President Abbas re-elected as President of Fatah - bad news for Israel. Topi
Brannon Howse: December 8, 2016 New York Times Best selling author, Jim Rickards, joins us. Jim is the author of the new book, The Road to Ruin: The Global Elites' Secret Plan f
Brannon Howse: December 7, 2016 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} Topic: Brannon starts out
Brannon Howse: December 6, 2016 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: What was involved in Christ coming into the world 2,000 years ago? Quest
Brannon Howse: December 5, 2016 Topic: Brannon starts out the program explaining that some of the songs we love to hear at Christmas time were not actually written to be Christmas so
Brannon Howse: December 2, 2016 Topic: Hear the audio of President Donald Trump declaring that America’s does not honor a global flag, nor do we have global citizenship papers or a
Brannon Howse: December 1, 2016 War on cash is now global and false pretenses are being used to justify such action. Hear the audio from a BBC report on the lines at banks in India a
Brannon Howse: November 30, 2016 Brannon continues his series on understanding the past, current, and future financial system and how to respond and prepare. Topic: Why does gold and
Brannon Howse: November 29, 2016 An easy to understand history of America’s financial history. If you can understand America’s financial past you will have a much better chance to
Brannon Howse: November 28, 2016 Topic: A major financial crisis is brewing that will make the 2008 financial crisis look like a summer picnic compared to what is coming. The signs ar
Brannon Howse: November 23, 2016 Topic: Some Americans seem to think that the threats to America are not real. President-Elect Donald Trump has just released a 2 minute and 38 second
Brannon Howse: November 22, 2016 Program Three on "Exposing the Worldview of George Soros & the Groups He Supports." Topic: Brannon explains how Soros has funded religious gr
Brannon Howse: November 21, 2016 Exposing the Worldview of George Soros (Part Two). Topic: Hear the audio of a liberal admitting they “rent evangelicals” when they need help dress
Brannon Howse: November 18, 2016 Exposing the Worldview of George Soros & the organizations he supports. Part One. One of the organizations that numerous news outlets report that
Brannon Howse: November 17, 2016 Topic: Several law enforcement agencies including the FBI have been infiltrated with Muslims connected to terrorist organizations. Muslims connected t
Brannon Howse: November 16, 2016 Topic: Hear George Soros reveal in his own words his worldview in a 60 Minutes interview from the early 1990s. George Soros is reportedly behind many
Brannon Howse: November 15, 2016 p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 11.0px Helvetica; -webkit-text-stroke: #000000} span.s1 {font-kerning: none} Dr. John Whitcomb
Brannon Howse: November 14, 2016 Topic: In the last few days a Muslim from Pakistan was arrested for trespassing into what is supposed to be a protected area at a Chicago area water t
Brannon Howse: November 11, 2016 Topic: One day before this program Brannon warned that the rioters might attack critical infrastructure and the very next day we now have video of pro
Brannon Howse: November 9, 2016 Topic: Brannon provides a post-election analysis explaining why the Marxists, Muslims and globalists will now wage war against a Trump Administration,
Brannon Howse: November 10, 2016 Topic: The Rebels Are Rising. Hear the audio of admitted communist Van Jones on CNN declaring that the rebels are rising. Van was referring to the thu
Brannon Howse: August 8, 2016 Topic: Brannon believes that if Trump wins, the globalist bankers will deliberately damage the American economy to make it really tough on Trump. Bran