Brannon Howse: August 23, 2016 Today Brannon continues his in-depth look at the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and what it means for your parental rights. Scotland is lo
Brannon Howse: August 22, 2016 Hillary Clinton wants to steal your parental rights and has been working toward this end for years? Today Brannon begins a series on the worldview of
Brannon Howse: August 19, 2016 Today on PTIB Jimmy DeYoung has his weekly conversation with Dave James, this time a discussion focused on Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, the founder of an o
Brannon Howse: August 18, 2016 Topic: France closes down over 160 mosques as they seize massive amounts of military arms from them. Yet, U.S. mosques get pass from high ranking U.S.
Brannon Howse: August 17, 2016 Topic: Why spiritual or prayer mapping is not Biblical and is actually an attack on the Scriptures. Hear the audio from WVW-TV in which Justin Peters
Brannon Howse: August 16, 2016 Numerous outlets are reporting on leaked documents that reveal that George Soros has been funding radical movements to engage in social, economic, and
Brannon Howse: August 15, 2016 Topic: A listener wants to know if Christians should plead the blood of Jesus to be safe from Satan. Brannon answers this question from Scripture. Top
Brannon Howse: August 12, 2016 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Fact Check: Were Obama and Hillary Founders of ISIS? You Bet Topic: Russia's Putin and Turkey's Erdogan meet to renew
Brannon Howse: August 11, 2016 Topic: What role is the over emphasis on sports playing on young people and their not having time for a job and thus developing into becoming young ad
Brannon Howse: August 10, 2016 What is the biggest reason socialism is succeeding in America and fewer Americans value and participate in the free market system than ever before in
Brannon Howse: August 9, 2016 Guest: Pamela Geller. Topic: Pamela Geller is reporting that not only did the FBI know the Islamic Jihadist were going to attack her event in Garland,
Brannon Howse: August 8, 2016 Part Two: In this broadcast Brannon lays out 8 out of 14 facts about what the Bible calls slander or being reviled. Have you been maligned for co
Brannon Howse: August 5, 2016 Topic: Israel charges World Vision Gaza branch manager with funneling funds to Hamas. Topic: UK government says top Muslim Brotherhood Islamists CAN G
Brannon Howse: August 4, 2016 In this broadcast Brannon lays out 8 out of 14 facts about what the Bible calls slander or being reviled. Have you been maligned for contending for th
Brannon Howse: August 3, 2016 A Biblical response to people that slander you. Topic:What is the legal definition of slander. Topic: Why is exposing false teaching not slander? Topi
Brannon Howse: August 2, 2016 Guest: Usama Dakdok. Topic: Hear what the mainstream media is not telling you about Khizr Khan. This man that waved the Constitution in the air and le
Brannon Howse: July 29, 2016 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: How the Marxists and Muslims will rise on a global scale in the last days as a coalition. Topic: The Syrian - Russian
Brannon Howse: July 28, 2016 Topic: The U.S. federal government releases pages from a 2004 report on 9-11 that have been sitting in a vault in the U.S. Capitol. The report reveals
Brannon Howse: July 27, 2016 Topic: Today Brannon plays an audio clip he has never played on this program. In 2009 Brannon interviewed Larry Grathwohl who was an FBI informant tha
Brannon Howse: July 26, 2016 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: If the Genesis flood covered the world, why have so few human fossils be
Brannon Howse: July 26, 2016 Topic: Brannon shares two examples of why we need to learn to think and reason if we are not to be cheated by lies. On a daily basis Brannon reads new
Brannon Howse: July 22, 2016 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: A student yelling Allahu Akbar goes on a shooting spree in a mall in Munich, Germany. The story was unfolding as Bran
Brannon Howse: July 21, 2016 Do you know the difference between the Nation of Islam and The Islam of the Koran? The differences are huge. Today Brannon plays audio clips of Nation
Brannon Howse: July 20, 2016 Politicians agitating from the top and street thugs agitating from below. Topic: In 1948 the Communist overthrew Czechoslovakia and in 1961 the U.S. H
Brannon Howse: July 18, 2016 Today Brannon begins a look at the Nation of Islam and the Black Panthers. The man in Baton Rouge that murdered 3 Police Officers and shot several oth
Brannon Howse: July 19, 2016 Four Points To Remember When Watching The Fundamental Transformation of America and the World. 1. Working theories are fluid and need to be developed
Brannon Howse: July 15, 2016 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: A report on the terror attack in Nice, France. Topic: US Taxpayer dollars used to campaign against Prime Ministe
Brannon Howse: July 14, 2016 Note: This interview is not an endorsement of Pence or Trump. Brannon disagrees with Mike Pence on TPP and amnesty. This interview is for the purpose
Brannon Howse: July 13, 2016 Topic: The Neo-Evangelical War on Doctrine. Guest: Pastor Gary Gilley. Topic: Andy Stanley has declared: :I am not trying to produce Bible scholars. A
Brannon Howse: July 12, 2016 Guest: Pamela Geller. Topic: Muslims screaming “JIHAD!” rampage through neighborhood, tell woman “We can KIDNAP you and RAPE you” Topic: Mom o
Ask Dr. John #21 ORIGINALLY AIRED: SEPTEMBER 1, 2015 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: How can our great country ever
Brannon Howse: July 11, 2016 Their goal is guerrilla warfare in American inner cities that leads to a Marxist & Muslim revolution. Today Brannon brings new information to the
Brannon Howse: July 8, 2016 Topic: Five Dallas police officers are murdered and 7 are injured in a shooting while they were protecting Black Lives Matter protestors. Today Branno
Brannon Howse: July 7, 2016 Guest: Jesse Johnson. Topic: How should Christians respond to government abuse of power? From the FBI rewriting the laws for Hillary Clinton to police
Brannon Howse: July 6, 2016 Guest: Mike Abendorth & Pastor Gary Gilley. Topic: Mike Abendroth on what Jesus would say to the Pope. Topic: Pastor Gary Gilley has been the teac
Brannon Howse: July 5, 2016 No Rules For the Elite! Topic: FBI Director James Comey lays out all the reasons Hillary Clinton should be charged with federal crimes, but then annou
Brannon Howse: July 1, 2016 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Brannon reveals more disturbing things about the Jesus and gopspel of Paula White that leads us to understand that Ja
Brannon Howse: June 30, 2016 Topic: James Dobson now tells us who it is that supposedly shared the gospel with Donald Trump. Dobson says it was Word of Faith false teacher that su
Brannon Howse: June 29, 2013 Brannon plays a portion of the keynote presentation by Mike Abendroth from the Branson 2016 Worldview Weekend. Mike spoke on Biblical Masculinity, Fem
Ask Dr. John #12 Originally Aired: OCTOBER 13, 2015 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of ask Dr. John. Question: How old was Paul when he was conve
Brannon Howse: June 28, 2016 Topic: Today Brannon reveals the growing evidence that even self described Christians are not able or willing to use reason, logic, and context. Thus,
Brannon Howse: June 27, 2016 Guest: Usama Dakdok. Topic: If you think what Target department stores is doing with their bathrooms is disturbing you might want to find out about Sh
Brannon Howse: June 24, 2016 Guests: Mike Abendroth, Rob Congdon & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Mike Abendroth on why he is teaching through the book of Romans on No-Co-TV and why
Brannon Howse: June 23, 2016 Topic: The people of Great Britain are voting today as to whether or not to stay in the EU. Rob Congdon joins us to tell us what it would mean if they
Brannon Howse: June 22, 2016 Topic: Hear the stories of how Muslim leaders around the world are calling for the murder of gay people. Brannon explains why as Christians we must pu
Brannon Howse: June 21, 2016 Are Neo-evangelicals backing Biblically conservatives Christians into a corner on purpose? Neo-evangelicals are redefining what it means to be loving
Brannon Howse: June 20, 2016 Topic: What does it say when a church boasts on their website of their $50 million dollar complex and net worth? What does it say when they boast that
Brannon Howse: June 17, 2016 Guest: Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: First Baptist Church Orlando seems to have completely given in to the agenda of the LGBTQ community based on the city wid
Brannon Howse: June 16, 2016 Has the Southern Baptist Convention Capitulated to Islam? Guest: Usama Dakdok. In 1993 the Southern Baptist Convention would not pass a resolution tha