How have Christians in America been Brainwashed to not Oppose Islam as Christians in Syria are Murdered with Almost Complete Silence from American Christians?
President Trump Declares That the US Will Refuse to Defend Countries That Don’t Pay Their Fair Share and Poland Seeks Access to Nuclear Weapons and To Build a Half-Million Man Army
President Trump Pulls $400 Million Dollars From Columbia University For Antisemitism and His Commission Looks to Defund More Leftist Institutions as Antisemitism on the Right Also Escalates
Did RFJ Jr. Just Promote The MMR Vaccine and if so Why and Why is the Media Making Such A Big Deal Out of the Measles and How Did The Brady Bunch Handle The Measles in 1969?
Is Europe Marching Toward World War III With Russia So America is Drawn in By Article V of NATO and Could We Expect A False Flag Event in The U.S. That Gets Blamed on Russia to Force the US. into World War III?
Why all Americans Should be Paying Attention to the Race for the Wisconsin Supreme Court and What it has to do with Control of Congress and the White House
David Pyne, Brannon Howse and Leo Hohmann Respond to the Conflict in the Oval Office Today Between Zelenskyy, Trump and Vance, and What the Future Holds for Europe and America