Brannon Howse: Aired April 28, 2014 Guests: Mike Gendron, Mike Abendroth and Justin Peters. Topic: Brannon starts out the program with a testimony of Gods sovereign protection of his f
Brannon Howse: Aired April 24, 2014 Dr. John MacArthur joins Brannon Howse on Worldview Weekend Radio. Dr. MacArthur discusses many crucial issues including the myth that he declared at
Brannon Howse: Aired April 23, 2014 Part two of Contending Against The ISMS of The Day from the Contend 2014 Student Worldview Weekend.
Brannon Howse: Aired April 22, 2014 You dont want to miss this program. After playing a portion of Contending Against the ISMS of the day (Part Two); Ted, a caller, calls in to share h
Brannon Howse: Aired April 21, 2014 Today Brannon plays a keynote presentation by Jesse Johnson from the Contend 2014 student Worldview Weekend. Do you know your Biblical purpose? Do you
Brannon Howse: Aired April 18, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Brannon explains why he does not celebrate Easter but Resurrection Sunday. Topic: Passover - Israel on high security
Brannon Howse: Aired April 17, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Tony Palmer is an Ecumenical officer with a Catholic delegation and he says he has been mentored by Pope Francis and Kenne
Brannon Howse: Aired April 16, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Hear new audio of Rick Warren on the Catholic television network EWTN as he openly embraces Roman Catholicism and talks ab
Brannon Howse: Aired April 15, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for Ask Dr. John. Question: Is Moses referring to an actual speech impediment in Ex. 4:10? Or does Moses mean that h
Brannon Howse: Aired April 14, 2014 Guest: Dr. Tommy Ice. Expert Tommy Ice reveals why people using Joel 2 to claim the blood moons of 2014 and 2015 are prophetic signs are 100% wrong. W
Brannon Howse: Aired April 11, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung: Topic: The fallacy of the Blood Moon hype and why you should not believe the latest end of the world scenario that really se
Brannon Howse: Aired April 10, 2014 Topic: 16 Reasons the Word of Faith/NAR and Church of Rome can merge. After Pope Francis and Kenneth Copeland came out and called for unity between th
Brannon Howse: Aired April 09, 2014 Guest: Justin Peters joins us today to talk about the new movie Heaven is For Real and why it is not based on Biblical truth. Topic: The movie is
Brannon Howse: Aired April 8, 2014 Guest: Justin Peters and JD Hall. Topic: Liberty University puts out yet another press release and now they admit much of what we reported since day o
Brannon Howse: Aired April 7, 2014 Challenging high school and college students to defend the authority, veracity, and authenticity of God's Word. That is the topic that was covered b
Brannon Howse: Aired April 4, 2014 Guest: JD Hall and Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: We start out the program discussing the press release from Liberty University that seem to try and convin
Brannon Howse: Aired April 3, 2014 ~~Breaking News: After you hear the shocking audio clips that reveal the heretical theology of Benny Hinn concerning Jesus Christ, you will wonder why
Brannon Howse: Aired April 1, 2014 On this installment of Ask Dr. John, Dr. John Whitcomb answers these questions: Question: In 1 Cor. 13:10, my pastor says that which is perfect is
Brannon Howse: Aired March 31, 2014 Topic: Paige Patterson is the President of the Southern Baptist Seminary Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth. On March 27th Patterson was asked on his
Brannon Howse: Aired March 28, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Ukraine says 100,000 Russian troops near border. Topic: Is Vladimir Putin Coming for the North Pole Next? Topic: "By
Brannon Howse: Aired March 27, 2014 Guest: Jesse Johnson. Topic: World Vision reverses its early statement from this week in which they declared that their employees could live in a homo
Brannon Howse: Aired March 26, 2014 Today Brannon shares a portion of his keynote presentation from Contend 2014. The presentation is entitled Contending Against the ISMS of the Day.
Brannon Howse: Aired March 25, 2014 When Mega Pastors Twist Scripture and Twist Arms for Money: (Part Two). In this program Brannon plays new audio clips that further reveal how some pas
Brannon Howse: Aired March 21, 2014 Topic: Israel paid three types of tithes. Will the tithe be reinstated for the temple during the tribulation? Topic: Will there be Levitical Priests f
Brannon Howse: Aired March 20, 2014 Topic: Neo-evangelicals pushing for universal kindergarten for four year olds; and early childhood intervention when children are eight weeks old. Top
Brannon Howse: Aired March 19, 2014 Today Brannon shares 21 reasons he believes this is the most dangerous time America has ever faced. How should a Christian respond and how can Christi
Brannon Howse: Aired March 18, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: What is represented in a Catholic Mass and why it is unbiblical? Topic: Hear a man raised as a Southern Baptist, turned Pe
Brannon Howse: Aired March 17, 2014 Topic: SBC mega pastor, Ronnie Floyd recommends the unbiblical book The Circle Maker. Add this to his promotion of the book by WOF author Richard Morr
Brannon Howse: Aired March 14, 2014 Topic: US prefers to press Israel than Palestinians, official says. Topic: A listener e-mails in this question: Dr. Jimmy has said he believes Ukraine
Brannon Howse: Aired March 13, 2014 Topic: When Mega Pastors Twist Scripture and Twist Arms For Money. Topic: What the Bible really teaches about supporting those that are in full time g
Brannon Howse: Aired March 12, 2014 Topic: A young man that says in his bio that he works for Summit Ministries has written an article on his website entitled: The Pope is Right: Who am
Brannon Howse: Aired March 11, 2014 Part Two: Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Justin went to see the Son of God movie and took two pages of notes. Justin picks up where we left off yesterda
Brannon Howse: Aired March 10, 2014 Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Justin went to see the Son of God movie and took two pages of notes. Justin gives us a run down on just how much blasphem
Brannon Howse: Aired March 7, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Iran and Russia threaten to dump the U.S. dollar. What would this do to America and how might this help set the stage
Brannon Howse: Aired March 6, 2014 Topic: The Doctrine of Concurrence. Today Brannon covers four points. Point One: Mans free will and Gods total sovereignty is not a contradiction.
Brannon Howse: Aired March 5, 2014 Topic: PBS airs Secrets of the Vatican that exposes what some call the powerful gay mafia inside the Church of Rome. Topic: Pope approves of marri
Brannon Howse: Aired March 4, 2014 Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Humans for millennia have used astronomical events to mark time, th
Brannon Howse: Aired March 3, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Members of the Missionary and Alliance Church and Church of the Nazarene founded Ambrose College that is now hosting a con
Brannon Howse: Aired February 28, 2014 Topic: Liberal Jews working against Israel and for Palestinians? Topic: Iranian Military official says we are preparing to liberate Jerusalem. Topic:
Brannon Howse Says Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church of Dallas Should Look in the Mirror If He Wants to Know Who is Partly Responsible for America Being Given Over By God ~~Brannon Howse Says Robert Jeffress of First Baptist Church of Dallas Should Look in the Mirror If He Wants to Know Who is Partly Responsible for Ame
Brannon Howse: Aired February 27, 2014 Topic: Della Reese is promoted as a Reverend. She proclaims New Thought or New Age teaching. Hear an audio clip of Della promoting the Son of God movi
Brannon Howse: Aired February 26, 2014 Topic: The church of Steve Furtick reportedly has a coloring book for children. Brannon reads from the coloring book and reveals why this smells simil
Mike Riddle: February 24, 2014 Biblical Discernment part 3 In session two of biblical discernment, Pastor Bill Rillo discusses some popular books sold in many Christian book sto
Brannon Howse: Aired February 25, 2014 So called evangelical leaders are once again revealing their lack of Biblical discernment and commitment to Biblical truth by endorsing the Son of God
Brannon Howse: Aired February 24, 2014 Hear shocking audio clips that reveal just how fast things are moving toward the Harlot church of Revelation 17. Hear word of faith false teacher Kenn
Brannon Howse: Aired February 21, 2014 Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon for a Middle East update. Topic: Iran already has the bomb. Topic: Topic: How could revolution in Ukraine fit with the ris
Brannon Howse: Aired February 20, 2014 Topic: Even Secular outlets report on New Apostolic Reformation proponent calling for a military coup to take over the government and put America back
Brannon Howse: Aired February 19, 2014 Topic: Brannon has been discussing Providence and the Will of God. Today he starts out the program by talking about how the sovereignty of God and man
Brannon Howse: Aired February 17, 2014 Providence and the will of God. Part Two: Today Brannon discusses Scripture that reveals that 1. God has ordained His will for us before Time began. 2
Brannon Howse: Aired February 18, 2014 Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Why were portions of the Old Testament written in Aramaic? Which po