Brannon Howse: Aired September 23, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron & Usama Dakdok. Topic: Mike Gendron gives his take on Kirk Camerons comments on Catholic Radio. Topic: Harvard's satanic black m
Brannon Howse: Aired September 22, 2014 Guest: JD Hall. Topic: JD responds to Kirk Cameron statements on Catholic Radio after a weekend of hearing from some of the defenders of Kirk. Topic:
Brannon Howse: Aired September 19, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Israel May Have to Strike Iran at any moment. Topic: Islamic state is secretly near to the Israeli border. Topic: Tur
Brannon Howse: Aired September 18, 2014 Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Kirk Cameron goes on Catholic Radio program Busted Halo with Father Dave. Hear a few audio clips from the interview
Brannon Howse: Aired September 17, 2014 Guest: Clint Archer from South Africa joins us to discuss the following: Topic: How long after he became a Christian did Clint leave the Catholic Chur
Brannon Howse: Aired September 16, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for Ask Dr. John. Question: How we can know that the Earths topography was different before the Flood? How do
Brannon Howse: Aired September 15, 2014 Guests: Usama Dakdok and Mike Gendron. Topic: Saudi Arabia arrests Christians including women and children at church with their Bibles. Topic: Pope Fr
Brannon Howse: Aired September 12, 2014 Topic: Why does Obama call Isis, ISIL? Does it have to do with ignoring the existence of Israel? Topic: Secretary of State John Kerry says we are not
Brannon Howse: Aired September 10, 2014 David Limbaugh; like you have never heard him. You dont want to miss this powerful broadcast in which David is extremely passionate, poignant, and p
Brannon Howse: Aired September 9, 2014 Topic: Update on Memphis black mob attacks and media spinning it for political correctness including Fox News. Topic: Supporters of WoF/NAR pastor Bil
Brannon Howse: Aired September 8, 2014 Special Report: Guest: Colin Flaherty, best-selling author on black flash mobs that are assaulting whites. Colin is author of White Girl Bleed a Lot.
Brannon Howse: Aired September 5, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: EU countries buying Isis oil. Topic: Franklin Graham says we are living in the last hour but uses wrong scripture tex
Brannon Howse: Aired September 4, 2014 Topic: The stealth jihad that has come to America. Topic: Obama has no issue with the worldview of Islam. Topic: Ex-CIA employee says Obama is a radic
Brannon Howse: Aired September 3, 2014 Topic: Why you dont want to see the movie entitled Holy Ghost. Brannon explains the numerous false teachers that are included in the cast. Topic: Ro
Brannon Howse: Aired September 2, 2014 Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Please share your thoughts on the Gap Theory. Between Gens 1:1 and 2, is this where Lucifer and the ang
Brannon Howse: Aired August 29, 2014 Topic: Hear the audio of President Obama saying he has no plan to deal with ISIS and then hear the audio of Prime Minister David Cameron of the UK, th
Brannon Howse: Aired August 28, 2014 Topic: Hear the audio of the wife of Joel Osteen declaring that church is about you and God wants you to be happy. Why is this a wrong definition of c
Brannon Howse: Aired August 27, 2014 White Privilege Part 2: Topic: When Evangelicals play into the hands of the Marxists. An Atlanta Pastor declares; "We live in an oppressive system,
Brannon Howse: Aired August 26, 2014 Topic: John Piper tweets support for Mark Driscoll. Piper must not know what the Biblical requirements are for a pastor and a church based on his publ
Brannon Howse: Aired August 22, 2014 Topic: ISIS, America, and the neo-evangelicals that weaken our border, give credibility to Marxists/globalists, and make Americans vulnerable to a t
Brannon Howse: Aired August 21, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for Ask Dr. John. Question: Was the Leviathan described in Job 41 created on Day 5 or Day 6 of the creation week? Qu
Brannon Howse: Aired August 20, 2014 Matt Chandler and White Privilege: Today Brannon reveals why he believes the tweet and sermon and interviews by so-called Pastor Matt Chandler on wh
Brannon Howse: Aired August 19, 2014 Topic: Exclusive: Brannon Howse interviews Ferguson, Missouri Pastor, Stoney Shaw. Hear what the media is not reporting and in some cases distorting a
Brannon Howse: Aired August 18, 2014 Topic: The Militarization of America's Police. This is an issue we have been monitoring for a few years but now that the tragic stories coming out o
Brannon Howse: Aired August 15, 2014 Brannon starts the program with some thoughts on what is happening in Ferguson, Missouri. Then Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon for these topics: Topic
Brannon Howse: Aired August 14, 2014 Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Beth Moore has a selfie with Word of Faith teacher Joyce Meyer and was on her television program. What does this tel
Brannon Howse: Aired August 13, 2014 Today Brannon interviews Victoria whose family bridal business kindly refused the business of a same-sex marriage couple. Victoria explains that their
Brannon Howse: Aired August 12, 2014 Today Brannon opens up the phone lines as he did not take callers on Friday or Monday. Brannon wants to hear from listeners from all over the country
Brannon Howse: Aired August 11, 2014 Guest: Usama Dakdok; Egyptian and expert on Islam. Usama joins us today to talk about ISIS, their origins and goals. Usama also warns about the Muslim
Brannon Howse: Aired August 08, 2014 Chris Burgard of joins Brannon to talk about his documentaries from the border. Hear the audio of Zach Taylor and one other man wa
Brannon Howse: Aired August 7, 2014 Today Brannon reveals how what is happening at the U.S. border is a worldview war that is deliberate and manufactured in order to damage Americas so
Brannon Howse: Aired August 6, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Former catholic and now evangelist Mike Gendron joins Brannon to discuss Al Mohler saying there are millions of Christians
Brannon Howse: Aired August 5, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb. Join us for this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Is there a distinction between the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom
Brannon Howse: Aired August 4, 2014 Topic: Pope Frances reinstates a Marxist Priest. Topic: Moscow Mobilizes its American Agents. Topic: Mark Driscoll addresses Crude Comments made under
Brannon Howse: Aired August 1, 2014 Topic: Rabbi says if you want peace in the world - in all areas - build a Temple in Jerusalem. Topic: Bible scholar says that the city of Babylon that
Brannon Howse: Aired July 31, 2014 Guest: John Loeffler of Topic: John gives an amazing overview of what is happening on a global scale and where we are headed. John b
Brannon Howse: Aired July 30, 2014 U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander has a long history of supporting the federal takeover of education as both a U.S. Senator but also as the Secretary of Ed
Brannon Howse: Aired July 29, 2014 Guest: Dr. Tommy Ice. Topic: Glenn Beck says Jesus was married and had to be in order to travel around with Mary Magdalene and still have credibility.
Brannon Howse: Aired July 28, 2014 Part Four: Today Brannon looks at the similarities between the false church in Germany and the global false church that will lead to a fourth Reich.
Brannon Howse: Aired July 25, 2014 Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss these issues: 1. Hamas claims a victory over Israel as United States airliners cancel all flights to Israel 2.
Brannon Howse: Aired July 24, 2014 Russell Moore and Ronnie Floyd and other leaders go to Texas and lecture Americans on how we should respond to the invasion of our nation by illegal i
Brannon Howse: Aired July 23, 2014 Part Three: Brannon starts out the program with audio about Rodney Howard Browne who has just completed his celebrate America event in Washington D.C.
Brannon Howse: Aired July 22, 2014 Part Two: Today Brannon looks at more of the 19 similarities between the false church in Germany and the global false church that will lead to a fourt
Brannon Howse: Aired July 18, 2014 Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins us to talk about the war that has broken out in Israel and how the world is responding and how Christians should respond and h
Brannon Howse: Aired July 21, 2014 Today Brannon looks at the similarities between the false church in Germany and the global false church that will lead to a fourth Reich. Brannon expl
Brannon Howse: Aired July 17, 2014 Eight Transformational Steps to a Global Church: Chaos is all over the globe. Today, Israel invades the Gaza Strip, a Malaysian airline jet is reporte
Brannon Howse: Aired July 16, 2014 Hear the audio of false teacher Myles Munroe declare that you should not be preaching Jesus but the kingdom and the things Jesus can do for people. My
Brannon Howse: Aired July 15, 2014 Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb: Question: How old is the earth? Question: I would like more insight about what the pre-flood world looked like. O
Brannon Howse: Aired July 14, 2014 Why are evangelicals changing their minds about gay marriage? Could it be because they have never been evangelized and are actually not regenerated? C
Brannon Howse: Aired July 11, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Israeli Defense Force Launches Operation "Protected Edge" Against Hamas Terrorist in Gaza as hundreds and hundreds of