Brannon Howse: Aired December 1, 2014 Topic: Pope Francis calls for the end of extreme fundamentalism within all faith groups. How as the word fundamentalist been used as a pejorative with
The Bank For International Settlements & Its Role The Coming One-World Economy The Bank For International Settlements & Its Role The Coming One-World Economy
The Dangerous Worldview of Charles Finney & How It Has Damaged Evangelicalism (Part One) The Dangerous Worldview of Charles Finney & How It Has Damaged Evangelicalism (Part One)
What is Happening in The World, Why & Where Are We Going (A Look at Romans 1) Brannon begins this presentation by sharing the five consequences a nation suffers that rejects God over and over as described in Romans chapter one.
Why The Spirit of Elijah is Not on the Earth Today Why The Spirit of Elijah is Not on the Earth Today
Brannon Howse: Aired November 26, 2014 Topic: Today Brannon shares numerous verses that reveal that indeed there is eternal security for the believer. Sadly, many Christians live for years
Brannon Howse: Aired November 25, 2014 Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Please explain what the Gap Theory is and why it is not Scriptural. Question: Please explain the "olive
Brannon Howse: Aired November 24, 2014 Topic: Is church membership in the Bible? Well, that depends on what you mean by church membership. Are Christians being unbiblical if they do not sig
Brannon Howse: Aired November 21, 2014 Topic: Brannon takes the first half of the program to discuss the serious economic, social, and constitutional implications of the Executive Order by
Brannon Howse: Aired November 19, 2014 Topic: Part Two: An in-depth look at the worldview of Charles Finney. As we discussed in a previous program, Charles Finney has influenced evangelical
Brannon Howse: Aired November 20, 2014 Part Three on Finney: Do you know that Charles Finney was one of the first promoters of feminism and women preachers within evangelicalism? Do you kno
Brannon Howse: Aired November 18, 2014 Topic: Part One: An in-depth look at the worldview of Charles Finney. As we discussed in a previous program, Charles Finney has influenced evangelical
Brannon Howse: Aired November 17, 2014 Guest: Justin Peters. Topic: Justin and his wife went to see the new Kirk Cameron movie Saving Christmas and today Justin joins us for a review. Topic
Brannon Howse: Aired November 14, 2014 Topic: How America's Textbooks Teach Children to Hate Israel with Usama Dakdok Topic: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says Israelis ar
Crosstalk: November 17, 2014 Vic spent 55 minutes going over the latest news events of interest to Crosstalk listeners. Stories included: --Russia's bombers to conduct patrols
Brannon Howse: Aired November 13, 2014 Topic: Hear the audio of John Piper as he says he has no regrets about working with and speaking with and promoting at his conference Mark Driscoll. T
Brannon Howse: Aired November 12, 2014 Topic: School district in Maryland drops Christmas and Jewish holidays to appease Muslims. Topic: American Family Association is up to their silly way
Brannon Howse: Aired November 11, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: In Ezekiel's description of the great war of Gog and Magog, he refers to several groups that are neither attacking
Brannon Howse: Aired November 10, 2014 Topic: Word of Faith false teacher Myles Monroe dies in a plane crash Sunday. Hear some audio clips of Myles. Topic: We knew someone had to be influen
Brannon Howse: Aired November 7, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Brannon starts out the program with a few audio clips from Dr. Adrian Rogers on the simple or the simpleton. Brannon
Brannon Howse: Aired November 6, 2014 Topic: Did you know that in the 1950s America had an immigration problem that was creating crime and overloading the police? Did you know that Preside
Brannon Howse: Aired November 5, 2014 Topic: Several months ago Brannon warned that the more unpopular President Obama becomes the more dangerous he becomes for America. Today Brannon expl
Brannon Howse: Aired November 4, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron and Jesse Johnson. Topic: Why Christians should not get too excited if republicans win the Senate tonight? Topic: SBC embracing ga
Brannon Howse: Aired November 3, 2014 Guest: Justin Peters. Like the Worldview Weekend Hour TV program, this radio installment is committed to exposing the worldview and theology of Beth M
Brannon Howse: Aired October 31, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Brannon begins the program by discussing Luke 16:8 where Jesus warns that some Christians do not understand how shrewd unbel
Brannon Howse: Aired October 30, 2014 Who is best credited with starting the following in evangelicalism: the church growth movement, Altar calls, emotional story telling in sermons, emoti
Brannon Howse: Aired October 29, 2014 Topic: You have to hear it to believe it! Kirk Cameron speaks at Liberty University and tells the students that Uncle Kirk is going to save Christ
Brannon Howse: Aired October 28, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for Ask Dr. John. Question: Is it true that no one who perished in the Genesis Flood will go to heaven? Question: Wa
Brannon Howse: Aired October 27, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Crew is a vascular surgeon and wound care specialist. Dr. John has treated 30 patients with the flesh eating virus known as necrotizin
Brannon Howse: Aired October 24, 2014 Are some pro-family groups involved in bad journalism in claiming the city of Coeur d'Alene, ID., is on the verge of arresting and jailing a Christian
Brannon Howse: Aired October 23, 2014 Topic: Kirk Cameron, in the Christian Post, is reported as saying: "Early, on Christians would dress up in costumes as the devil, ghosts, goblins an
Brannon Howse: Aired October 22, 2014 Guest: Dr. David Farnell of Masters Theological Seminary. Topic: Dr. Robert Gundry gave a speech on October 6, 2014 entitled Peter: False Disciple
Brannon Howse: Aired October 21, 2014 Topic: Hear the new audio of Kenneth Copeland shouting and attempting to bind the demon of Ebola. Then listen as he takes Psalm 91:3 out of context. B
Have The Communists Accomplished Their Goals in America? Have The Communists Accomplished Their Goals in America?
Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Seven) Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Seven)
Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Six) Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Six)
Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Five) Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Five)
Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Four) Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Four)
Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Three) Similarities Between the False Church in Nazi Germany & Global False Church (Part Three)
Why The Rise of Pagan Spirituality in the Culture, Military, & Evangelicalism Why The Rise of Pagan Spirituality in the Culture, Military, & Evangelicalism
Feminism is Unbiblical & Anti-family & Anti-father Feminism is Unbiblical & Anti-family & Anti-father
Apologetics 101: What Every Christian Should Know & Be Able To Articulate Apologetics 101: What Every Christian Should Know & Be Able To Articulate
10 Hallmarks of a True Christian According to I John 10 Hallmarks of a True Christian According to I John
Brannon Howse: Aired October 20, 2014 Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association and American Family Radio interviews, and promotes the book of, false teacher Bill Johnson of Bethel Ch
Brannon Howse: Aired October 17, 2014 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Tens of thousands of Jews gather at Western Wall to receive the priestly blessing. Topic: IS says it will enslave wom