Audio Clip: Tim Keller Is Wrong To Classify Poverty as a Justice Issue Since Much of Poverty Can Be Tied to Sinful Choices & Not to Some Injustice Audio Clip: Tim Keller Is Wrong To Classify Poverty as a Justice Issue Since Much of Poverty Can Be Tied to Sinful Choices & Not to Some Injustice
Audio Clip: Tim Keller Bemoans Business Owners That Provide a Service in The Inner City But Live in the Suburbs Audio Clip: Tim Keller Bemoans Business Owners That Provide a Service in The Inner City But Live in the Suburbs
Audio Clip: Jim Garlow Calls For Christians To Use Biblically Founded Pragmatism Which is an Oxymoron Audio Clip: Jim Garlow Calls For Christians To Use Biblically Founded Pragmatism Which is an Oxymoron
Audio Clip: Gordon T. Smith, President of Gordon Christian College Say That Evangelicals Should Learn From Catholic Mystics Teresa of Ávila, Saint John of the Cross, and St. Ignatius Loyola Audio Clip: Gordon T. Smith, President of Gordon Christian College Say That Evangelicals Should Learn From Catholic Mystics Teresa of Ávila, Saint Jo
Audio Clip: Catholic Priest Tom Ryan Thanks Ambrose Christian College For Inviting Him to Preach In Their Chapel Audio Clip: Catholic Priest Tom Ryan Thanks Ambrose Christian College For Inviting Him to Preach In Their Chapel
Audio Clip: Catholic Priest Tom Ryan at Ambrose Christian College Says Evangelicals and Catholics Drink From The Same Well Audio Clip: Catholic Priest Tom Ryan at Ambrose Christian College Says Evangelicals and Catholics Drink From The Same Well
Audio Clip: Tim Keller Declares That Christians Cannot Be Rich Yet Who is Going to Define What is Rich & The Bible Does Not Command a Limit To One's Savings Audio Clip: Tim Keller Declares That Christians Cannot Be Rich Yet Who is Going to Define What is Rich & The Bible Does Not Command a Limit To One
Audio Clip: Steve Childers Falsely Teaches That What Can Only Occur During The Millennial Reign of Christ Can Be Accomplished By Man Today Through Social Justice & Cultural Renewal Which is Not the Calling of The Church Audio Clip: Steve Childers Falsely Teaches That What Can Only Occur During The Millennial Reign of Christ Can Be Accomplished By Man Today Through Soc
Audio Clip: Steve Childers Falsely Says The Church is Called to Social & Cultural Renewal Which is Really Social Justice Audio Clip: Steve Childers Falsely Says The Church is Called to Social & Cultural Renewal Which is Really Social Justice
Audio Clip: Steve Childers Takes The Words of Jesus in Luke 4:16-20 Out of Context & Makes it About Social Justice Audio Clip: Steve Childers Takes The Words of Jesus in Luke 4:16-20 Out of Context & Makes it About Social Justice
Audio Clip: Steve Childers Revelas is Unbiblical Cultural Transformation Theology by Telling Church Planters to Show Him Their Plan For Making a Great City Audio Clip: Steve Childers Revelas is Unbiblical Cultural Transformation Theology by Telling Church Planters to Show Him Their Plan For Making a Great
Brannon Howse: September 11, 2015 Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss these issues and to take lots of listener questions. Topic: Russian and Iranian military moving into Syria
Brannon Howse: September 10, 2015 Topic: Hear the audio of John Kilpatrick, on the TV program of former PTL Club host Jim Bakker, describing how their is a new breed of prophets coming
Brannon Howse: September 9, 2015 Guest: John Loeffler. Today John joins us to discuss these topics: Everyone seems upset about the Shemitah. What is the Shemitah and why should you no
Brannon Howse: September 4, 2015 Today Brannon shares new information on the White Magic of Evangelicalism by looking at White Magic in Acts 8 in which Simon the Sorcery actually clai
Chuck Swindoll Says Minds Are Being Bent & Twisted Against Scripture by People That Talk Christianity But Deliver Psychology Chuck Swindoll Says Minds Are Being Bent & Twisted Against Scripture by People That Talk Christianity But Deliver Psychology
False Teacher Steve Hill Tells American Family Radio He is Trying to Clean Up False Teaching in Churches False Teacher Steve Hill Tells American Family Radio He is Trying to Clean Up False Teaching in Churches
Ironically, False Teacher Steve Hill Warns About False Teachers in Interview with American Family Radio by Describing Mystical Vision He Says Was From God Ironically, False Teacher Steve Hill Warns About False Teachers in Interview with American Family Radio by Describing Mystical Vision He Says Was From
American Family Radio Host Ed Vitagliano of American Family Association Says They Are Not Involved in False Teaching As They Interview Big Time False Teacher Steve Hill of The Brownsville Revival American Family Radio Host Ed Vitagliano of American Family Association Says They Are Not Involved in False Teaching As They Interview Big Time False
James Dobson Interviews (Audio Clip) & Praises False Teacher & False Prophet Lou Engle James Dobson Interviews (Audio Clip) & Praises False Teacher & False Prophet Lou Engle
Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #7) Says Founding Fathers Were Special Spirit Babies Sent by God to Earth to Write Constitution That is Akin to Revelation From God Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #7) Says Founding Fathers Were Special Spirit Babies Sent by God to Earth to Write Constitutio
Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #8) Says The U.S. Constitution & America Will Be Saved by Enlightened Members of Mormon Church Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #8) Says The U.S. Constitution & America Will Be Saved by Enlightened Members of Mormon Ch
Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #5) Says Joseph Smith Wanted Them to Be Politically Active Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #5) Says Joseph Smith Wanted Them to Be Politically Active
Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #4) Says The God Inspired Constitution Was Used By God To Create America For Restored Mormon Church Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church Says The God Inspired Constitution Was Used By God To Create America For Restored Mormon Church
Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church (Audio Clip #3) Quotes Joseph Smith White Horse Prophecy That LDS Church Will Save America and Constitution Ezra Taft Benson President of Mormon Church Quotes Joseph Smith White Horse Prophecy That LDS Church Will Save America and Constitution
President of Mormon Church, Ezra Taft Benson (Audio Clip #2) Says God Wrote The Constitution & Established America For The Mormon Church To Be Used in the Last Days President of Mormon Church, Ezra Taft Benson (Audio Clip #2) Says God Wrote The Constitution & Established America For The Mormon Church To Be Use
Mormon President Ezra Taft Benson (Audio clip #1) Says U.S. Constitution Was Divinely Inspired By God Mormon Pressident Ezra Taft Benson Says U.S. Constitution Was Divinely Inspired By God
Brannon Howse: September 3, 2015 Guest: Mike Gendron. Mike Gendron was just cancelled as a keynote speaker at a prophecy conference by the coordinator who accused him of believing in
Crosstalk: September 3, 2015 Description: A Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk is being asked to appear in federal court tomorrow to defend her religious liberty because her conscience
Brannon Howse: September 2, 2015 Brannon explains that he recently discovered a fourth reason he is so uncomfortable with all the prayer rallies that are for the purpose of revival. O
Brannon Howse: September 1, 2015 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: How can our great country ever be united when we as Christians have so m
Brannon Howse: August 31, 2015 Neo-Evangelicals & Muslims are are uniting for a peace conference at a Church in Maryland. The conference is being described as the: first ever ga
Brannon Howse: August 28, 2015 Abnor Chou joins us for this third program in our verse by verse study of 2 Timothy. In this episode we pick up with verse three and look at what is B
Brannon Howse: August 27, 2015 Today Brannon talks about many of the things we have learned together over the years and how many of the people and their worldview we have discussed
Brannon Howse: August 26, 2015 Topic: Brannon spends the first part of the program talking about why he has been watching documentaries on the Nazi holocaust why he believes such an
Brannon Howse: August 25, 2015 What is the state of evangelicalism in America? Perhaps a quick look at those taking part in the upcoming Family Research Council conference August, 2
Brannon Howse: August 24, 2015 WVW Global Economic Report For Summer 2015: The Greek Crisis, China, the BRICS, The IMF, Bail-ins and much more with guest Craig Smith.
Brannon Howse: August 21, 2015 Brannon beings the program by addressing the latest Josh Duggar scandal and particularly the comment by the former boss of Josh, Tony Perkins of the F
Brannon Howse: August 20, 2015 Who lives your Christian Life? Do you live your Christian life or does Christ live your Christian life? Today Jesse Johnson takes answers these questi
Brannon Howse: August 19, 2015 Abner Chou joins us to continue our verse by verse study of 2 Timothy. Today we look at 2 Timothy 2:1-2. What is the purpose of ministry and what is t
Brannon Howse: August 18, 2015 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another episode of Ask Dr. John. Question: What type of soul does an animal have?
Question: How did glaciers form
Brannon Howse: August 17, 2015 Guest: Dan Hayden is the author of Iraq: In the Crosshairs of Destiny. Many people are surprised to learn that the Bible begins in Iraq and ends in Ir
Brannon Howse: August 14, 2015 Topic: Brannon starts the program with an audio clip from two black ladies that want to know why the black lives matter crowd are not calling out the
Brannon Howse: August 13, 2015 What is more dangerous, the radical feminism of the 1960s or the conservative appearing feminism of today that is more camouflaged? Topic: Today Brann
Brannon Howse: August 12, 2015 Hear a portion of a very important keynote presentation by Dr. Tommy Ice from our Branson 2015 Worldview Weekend. In this presentation Dr. Ice explain
Brannon Howse: August 11, 2015 Guest: Rob Congdon joins us to discuss the breaking news that China has devalued their currency. What does this mean for the American dollar and other
Brannon Howse: August 10, 2015 Justin Peters joins Brannon to discuss the news reports of Pastor TD Jakes embracing same-sex marriage. Are pro-family leaders calling out Jakes and i
Brannon Howse: August 7, 2015 Guest: Usama Dakdok & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: The press reports that Muslims terrorists are not real Muslims that are practicing Islam but do acts o
Brannon Howse: August 6, 2015 Did you know that radical environmentalism, sustainable development, and the green agenda can be traced back to the socialist agenda of Nazi Germany?