Mormon President Ezra Taft Benson (Audio clip #1) Says U.S. Constitution Was Divinely Inspired By God Mormon Pressident Ezra Taft Benson Says U.S. Constitution Was Divinely Inspired By God
Brannon Howse: September 3, 2015 Guest: Mike Gendron. Mike Gendron was just cancelled as a keynote speaker at a prophecy conference by the coordinator who accused him of believing in
Crosstalk: September 3, 2015 Description: A Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk is being asked to appear in federal court tomorrow to defend her religious liberty because her conscience
Brannon Howse: September 2, 2015 Brannon explains that he recently discovered a fourth reason he is so uncomfortable with all the prayer rallies that are for the purpose of revival. O
Brannon Howse: September 1, 2015 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: How can our great country ever be united when we as Christians have so m
Brannon Howse: August 31, 2015 Neo-Evangelicals & Muslims are are uniting for a peace conference at a Church in Maryland. The conference is being described as the: first ever ga
Brannon Howse: August 28, 2015 Abnor Chou joins us for this third program in our verse by verse study of 2 Timothy. In this episode we pick up with verse three and look at what is B
Brannon Howse: August 27, 2015 Today Brannon talks about many of the things we have learned together over the years and how many of the people and their worldview we have discussed
Brannon Howse: August 26, 2015 Topic: Brannon spends the first part of the program talking about why he has been watching documentaries on the Nazi holocaust why he believes such an
Brannon Howse: August 25, 2015 What is the state of evangelicalism in America? Perhaps a quick look at those taking part in the upcoming Family Research Council conference August, 2
Brannon Howse: August 24, 2015 WVW Global Economic Report For Summer 2015: The Greek Crisis, China, the BRICS, The IMF, Bail-ins and much more with guest Craig Smith.
Brannon Howse: August 21, 2015 Brannon beings the program by addressing the latest Josh Duggar scandal and particularly the comment by the former boss of Josh, Tony Perkins of the F
Brannon Howse: August 20, 2015 Who lives your Christian Life? Do you live your Christian life or does Christ live your Christian life? Today Jesse Johnson takes answers these questi
Brannon Howse: August 19, 2015 Abner Chou joins us to continue our verse by verse study of 2 Timothy. Today we look at 2 Timothy 2:1-2. What is the purpose of ministry and what is t
Brannon Howse: August 18, 2015 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another episode of Ask Dr. John. Question: What type of soul does an animal have?
Question: How did glaciers form
Brannon Howse: August 17, 2015 Guest: Dan Hayden is the author of Iraq: In the Crosshairs of Destiny. Many people are surprised to learn that the Bible begins in Iraq and ends in Ir
Brannon Howse: August 14, 2015 Topic: Brannon starts the program with an audio clip from two black ladies that want to know why the black lives matter crowd are not calling out the
Brannon Howse: August 13, 2015 What is more dangerous, the radical feminism of the 1960s or the conservative appearing feminism of today that is more camouflaged? Topic: Today Brann
Brannon Howse: August 12, 2015 Hear a portion of a very important keynote presentation by Dr. Tommy Ice from our Branson 2015 Worldview Weekend. In this presentation Dr. Ice explain
Brannon Howse: August 11, 2015 Guest: Rob Congdon joins us to discuss the breaking news that China has devalued their currency. What does this mean for the American dollar and other
Brannon Howse: August 10, 2015 Justin Peters joins Brannon to discuss the news reports of Pastor TD Jakes embracing same-sex marriage. Are pro-family leaders calling out Jakes and i
Brannon Howse: August 7, 2015 Guest: Usama Dakdok & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: The press reports that Muslims terrorists are not real Muslims that are practicing Islam but do acts o
Brannon Howse: August 6, 2015 Did you know that radical environmentalism, sustainable development, and the green agenda can be traced back to the socialist agenda of Nazi Germany?
Brannon Howse: August 5, 2015 Satan Will Proclaim Truth In Order To Draw a Crowd and Then Undermine the Gospel: Today Brannon reveals this fact by looking at Acts 16:16-18 and how
Brannon Howse: August 4, 2015 Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: How old is the Earth really? Question: In light of the national news, my pastor recently gave a sermon
Brannon Howse: August 3, 2015 Guest: Abner Chou. Today we begin a series on the study of the book of 2 Timothy. This book will help us know how to respond to persecution from gover
Crosstalk: July 31, 2015 Joining Jim to discuss this was Mat Staver. Mat is the founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, an international nonprofit, litigation, education and
Brannon Howse: July 31, 2015 Is the Church of Rome evolving on same-sex marriage just in time to protect their assets from law suits through hate crimes laws or just in time for a
Brannon Howse: July 30, 2015 Who will bring down America first Terrorists, Banksters, or PC Politicians with the Help of Evangelicals? Description: With the backdrop of Romans 1,
Brannon Howse: July 29, 2015 Topic: is ISIS plotting to use any of the hundreds of underground tunnels between Mexico and America to bring in a WMD or hundreds of heavily armed te
Brannon Howse: July 28, 2015 Guest: Robert Congdon. Topic: The media is not talking about how the European Union is using the Greek crisis to force other European nations such as
Brannon Howse: July 27, 2015 Topic: Group Consensus or Persecution: Tony Blair is pushing for hate-crime legislation in Europe to punish holocaust deniers. Many Jews are opposed t
Brannon Howse: July 24, 2015 Topic: Brannon begins this episode by playing two songs from his just released album entitled, “Sermons Through Song.” Why did Brannon record this
Brannon Howse: July 23, 2015 There are NOT two Babylons but there are two harlots. In this final program on why Babylon, 60 miles south of Baghdad, will be the world headquarters
Brannon Howse: July 22, 2015 Some authors, pastors, and speakers are so confused by the destruction of the harlot in Revelation 17:16 and the chapter break two versus later that t
Brannon Howse: July 21, 2015 Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Are there any examples in Scripture of believers committing suicide? What part does depression play in
Brannon Howse: July 20, 2015 Will the one-world religious government of Revelation 17 & 18 be based in Babylon? Today Brannon explains that while he once believed Revelation 1
Brannon Howse: July 17, 2015 Topic: We discuss Chattanooga terrorist shooting with Chattanooga resident Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.
Brannon Howse: July 16, 2015 Topic: Good news. Texas has passed legislation that will allow for a gold backed, bank of Texas of which people from other states can open an account
Brannon Howse: July 15, 2015 Jobe Martin is our guest for the first time. Jobe is funny and very knowledgeable. Jobe is a former atheist and evolutionist. Hear his testimony and w
Brannon Howse: July 14, 2015 Topic: How sustainable development, Agenda 21 and radical environmental law can cause you to be unable to even sell your property. Hear the audio from
Brannon Howse: July 13, 2015 Topic: In a letter to one of our listeners, Congressman Paul Ryan admits on his congressional letter head that the United Nations and U.N vehicles are
Brannon Howse: July 10, 2015 Topic: On Thursday June 9, 2015, while speaking in Bolivia Jesuit, Pope Francis again calls for new economic order and also calls capitalism the dung
Brannon Howse: July 9, 2015 If your church were taken to court to prove it Biblically met the requirements of being a church, would it pass the test? The recent same-sex marriage
Brannon Howse: July 8, 2015 Topic: Are the economies of the world being manipulated on many levels? Topic: There is a financial crisis in Greece and in Puerto Rico and now the Ch
Brannon Howse: July 7, 2015 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: In Matthew 1:21 the angel tells Joseph to call his name Jesus.
Brannon Howse: July 6, 2015 Topic: Over the Fourth of July Brannon noticed many liberals cheering liberty and it seemed as though they were implying that the recent U.S. Supreme
Brannon Howse: July 2, 2015 Rob Congdon joins us for an updated on what is happening in Greece and what it means for the European Union. Topic: Will the ATM lines and closed bank
Brannon Howse: June 30, 2015 Abner Chou is back by popular demand. Abner is a professor at Masters College in California. Today Abner teaches us some often overlooked truths abo
Brannon Howse: June 29, 2015 Topic: Obama White House paints the house of the people in rainbow colored lights to celebrate the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. Bra