Brannon Howse: February 4, 2015 Guest: Ken Ham. Topic: Columnist Justin Taylor at The Gospel Coalition writes an article on reasons to doubt the creation days were 24-hour periods. K
Brannon Howse: February 3, 2015 Topic: What is the Lausanne Movement? The fourth Lausanne Conference will be held in March of 2015. How is the Lausanne Movement changing the definiti
Brannon Howse: February 2, 2015 Topic: Modernist were mainline liberals that are now respected evangelicals that are seen as conservative. Topic: Why the communist have accomplished
Brannon Howse: January 30, 2015 Topic: Vicar's 9/11 Facebook post investigated by Church for comments about Israel being behind 9-11. Topic: Hear the shocking audio of Nashville Past
Brannon Howse: January 29, 2015 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Governor Jindal of Louisiana that just hosted the ecumenical prayer rally with the American Family Association is not only
Brannon Howse: January 28, 2015 Guests: Mike Gendron & Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Mike joins us to give his thoughts on the American Family Association holding a prayer rally in L
Brannon Howse: January 27, 2015 Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Why is the social gospel and cultural mandate unbiblical? Question: What should be our goals for this N
Brannon Howse: January 26, 2015 Part 4 and final: Liberalism hiding as evangelicalism. Topic: Hear Tim Keller say that those in poverty commit crimes because they are in poverty. So
Brannon Howse: January 23, 2015 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Yemen government collapses. Topic: Saudi King Abdullah has died which sets the stage for the Middle East to explode.
Brannon Howse: January 22, 2015 Part 3: Liberalism hiding as evangelicalism. Topic: Hear an audio clip of Steve Childers declaring the need to make the invisible kingdom visible thro
Brannon Howse: January 21, 2015 Tim Keller and his Liberalism that is masquerading as evangelicalism. (Part Two) Topic: Your eschatology (end-time view) drives your theology as well
Crosstalk: January 21, 2015 This Crosstalk featured Paul Washer who originally became a missionary to Peru where he founded the Heartcry Missionary Society. Today he works at hi
Brannon Howse: January 20, 2015 Topic: Tim Keller and his Liberalism that is masquerading as evangelicalism. Hear audio clips of Tim Keller declaring that if we are mature we will ha
Brannon Howse: January 19, 2015 Topic: Ever heard the Word of Faith and NAR preachers shouting about how God is doing a new thing? Hear one WOF preacher using Isaiah 43:19 completely
WVW-Radio Financial Update 01-16-15 Craig Smith is often a guest on Fox Business and Fox News Channel. Craig is the author of the book Dont Bank on It. Craig joins us for this financia
Brannon Howse: January 16, 2015 JD Hall and Justin Peters join Brannon to talk about their breaking the story concerning the boy that did not go to heaven and their interaction with
Brannon Howse: January 15, 2015 Guest: John Loeffler 1. There seem to be a lot of conflicts around the world. What would you say the main issues are rotating around?! 2. We were
Brannon Howse: Aired January 13, 2015 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for another episode of Ask Dr. John. Question: Please help me understand Gen. 3:7 and Luke 24:31. In both of these p
Brannon Howse: Aired January 12, 2015 Guest: Susan Heck and Justin Peters. Topic: On January 9, 2015, Beth Moore posted an article on her blog in which she bemoaned those that were calling
Brannon Howse: Aired January 9, 2015 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Topic: Is America about to see an increase in terrorist attacks on soft targets? Topic: Has Al-Qaida changed their st
Brannon Howse: Aired January 8, 2015 In this episode Brannon takes on new verses that people twist to develop bad theology. Topic: Jeremiah 29:11 is often used by evangelicals to apply to
Brannon Howse: Aired January 7, 2015 Usama Dakdok joins us today to talk about the Islamic terrorist attack in Paris. We also find out live on the air that Usama is being listed by Counci
Brannon Howse: Aired January 6, 2015 Contend 2015 report part two: Jared Carlson joins Brannon to talk about five reasons we can trust the Bible. They also discuss the amazing ministry th
Brannon Howse: Aired January 5, 2015 Contend 2015 report part one: Mike Abendroth joins Brannon to talk about the amazing ministry that was Contend 2015. Brannon will read some of the han
Brannon Howse: Aired December 31, 2014 Brannon concludes 2014 by playing his keynote address from the 50th anniversary of the Iowa Prayer Breakfast that was attended by the Governor of Iowa
Brannon Howse: Aired December 30, 2014 Does it matter that we host this radio program? Did we make any difference in 2014 through this radio broadcast and our television program? What topic
Brannon Howse: Aired December 29, 2014 Denominational elite and evangelical intelligentsia are being challenged on social media and some of the elite are not responding to this apparent onl
Brannon Howse: Aired December 24, 2014 Guest: Usama Dakdok, Mike Riddle & Mike Abendroth. Topic: Mike Riddle will be a speaker at our upcoming Contend 2015 conference. Today Mikes reveals w
Brannon Howse: Aired December 23, 2014 Today we present, Ask Dr. John with Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: Since the fall of man, is the physical deterioration of man getting worse as we get
Brannon Howse: Aired December 22, 2014 Is America entering a stage of violent civil unrest combined with a coming financial meltdown? How has the financial crisis and civil unrest been ferm
Brannon Howse: Aired December 19, 2014 Guest: Usama Dakdok & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Usama joins us to discuss the murder of nearly 150 school students in Pakistan by the Taliban. This is
Brannon Howse: Aired December 18, 2014 Guest: David Farnell. Topic: Hear the audio of Glenn Beck rant because a major evangelical would not come onto his radio program without clarifying hi
Brannon Howse: Aired December 17, 2014 Topic: Why is there a war on America's Police officers and how should Christians look at and speak to this issue? Topic: Should evangelical pastors
Brannon Howse: Aired December 16, 2014 Guest: Mike Abendroth. Topic: Part 2: When apologists that claim to defend truth undermine the Word of God. When apologists that claim to refute postm
Brannon Howse: Aired December 15, 2014 Topic: When apologists that claim to defend truth undermine the Word of God. When apologists that claim to refute postmodernism actually promote it by
Brannon Howse: Aired December 12, 2014 Guest: Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Obama to fast track illegal citizens so they can vote. Topic: Why your pension and retirement accounts may be confiscated
Brannon Howse: Aired December 11, 2014 Guests: Mike Gendron and JD Hall. Topic: Hear the Shocking Audio of Russell Moore Say He Is Unsure of Differences Between His and Popes Gospel Focus
Brannon Howse: Aired December 10, 2014 Guest: Jesse Johnson. Topic: Sadly, some neo-evangelical leaders such as Russell Moore seem to be fanning the flames of racial tension in an effort to
Brannon Howse: Aired December 9, 2014 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb. Dr. Whitcomb joins us for another installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: Can it be pinpointed as to when Satan and his angel
Crosstalk: December 10, 2014 Mat has written that...'2014 will go down as one of the most divisive years in America's 238 year history.' Jim also quoted Mat as having written that
Brannon Howse: Aired December 8, 2014 Topic: Why did the globalist want someone like President Obama to spend 8 Years as the Chief Executive Officer of America? What has Obama, a Neo-Marxi
Brannon Howse: Aired December 5, 2014 (Part Three) Topic: Georgetown Professor and Mentor of Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, explained how Cecil Rhodes would use his vast fortune to begin o
Crosstalk: December 5, 2014 To begin this edition of Crosstalk Jim updated listeners on the proposal for a new transgender policy in Minnesota schools. It passed Thursday by the
Brannon Howse: Aired December 4, 2014 (Part Two) Topic: Georgetown Professor and Mentor of Bill Clinton, Carroll Quigley, explained how Cecil Rhodes would use his vast fortune to begin org
Brannon Howse: Aired December 3, 2014 Topic: Before the November 2014 election Brannon warned that a Republican takeover will change nothing and now we read that House Republicans are not
Crosstalk: December 3, 2014 According to an audio clip from Peter Sprigg, a senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council, the CDC reports that gay, bisexual an
Brannon Howse: Aired December 2, 2014 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: The has an article titled How the Religious Right Scams Their Way to the New York Times. What does it say a