Brannon Howse: June 26, 2015 Topic: The U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. The religious right is shouting that now God is going to j
Brannon Howse: June 25, 2015 Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for this episode of Ask Dr. John. Here are the questions you asked and Dr. John answered. Question: If the 12 apostles had
Brannon Howse: June 24, 2015 Part Two: You must hear the audio clips from today. President Obama is fundamentally transforming America, as he promised, but he is doing so with the
Brannon Howse: June 23, 2015 Part one: President Obama is fundamentally transforming America as he promised but he is doing so with the help of republicans, including Ted Cruz, th
Brannon Howse: June 22, 2015 Topic: Why governments are coming for your cash through bail-ins. Topic: If the governments of the world still back their currencies by gold and thus
Crosstalk: June 22, 2015 After beginning the program with a brief lesson that looked at the history of Fathers Day, Jim asked the following question: 'Did your father teach yo
Brannon Howse: June 19, 2015 Topic: Pope Francis leases an encyclical on Sustainable Development and calls for a world revolution, global redistribution of wealth and a world poli
Brannon Howse: June 18, 2015 Part Two of Understand Acts 2 and refuting the false claims of the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation concerning what they call manifestation
Brannon Howse: June 17, 2015 Part One of Understanding Acts 2 and refuting the false claims of the Word of Faith and New Apostolic Reformation concerning what they call manifestat
Brannon Howse: June 16, 2015 Guest: Abner Chou. It is really hard to describe the importance and uniqueness of this program so you really need to listen. Abner is a very gifted de
Brannon Howse: June 12, 2015 Topic: Glenn Beck to unite and work with Alabama pastor that reports to have been ordained by major false teacher Earl Paulk. Paulk was so radical tha
Brannon Howse: June 11, 2015 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb. Question: What happened to people who died before Jesus died on the cross? Question: Please explain Phil. 2:12. Question: My
Crosstalk: June 11, 2015 Vic began this edition of Crosstalk with news about the banking firm known as Wells-Fargo and the support they show for the homosexual community. The
Brannon Howse: June 10, 2015 Topic: The White Magic of Modern-Day Evangelicalism. Description: White magic is when occult practices and the doctrine of demons are promoted as Chri
Brannon Howse: June 9, 2015 Topic: Transcendental Meditation is the New Yoga and experts warn that TM can cause depression and psychosis. Topic: The Maharishi was known as the fo
Brannon Howse: June 8, 2015 Topic: Why are so many pastors committing suicide? Topic: Some within evangelicalism are claiming that these pastors did not kill themselves but depre
Brannon Howse: June 5, 2015 Guests: Robert from Great Britain, Mike Abendroth, Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Robert checks in to let us know how the Alpha Course from his perceptive wher
Brannon Howse: June 4, 2015 (Part Three and final part)The Dangerous Worldview of Nicky Gumbel and the Alpha Course: On this program we hear how Gumbel promotes the Word of Faith
Brannon Howse: June 3, 2015 Guest: Jesse Johnson. Topic: Why you should attend a church even if the only church you can find has issues. Topic: Where is all the transgender confu
Brannon Howse: June 2, 2015 (Part Two) The Dangerous Worldview of Nicky Gumbel and the Alpha Course: Today we will hear audio excerpts from the actual Alpha course. Listen as Nic
Brannon Howse: June 1, 2015 The Dangerous Worldview of Nicky Gumbel and the Alpha Course: Recently over 6,000 leaders from around the world gathered for the leadership conference
Brannon Howse: May 29, 2015 Guest: Mike Gendron & Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Pope Francis says it is the devil that is keeping catholic and evangelicals apart. How did the Pope blasph
Brannon Howse: May 28, 2015 On this episode of Ask Dr. John, we examine the "hard things" that our Lord said: 1. "Allow the dead to bury their own dead; but as for you, go an
Brannon Howse: May 27, 2015 Guest: Michael Reagan. Today Brannon reveals that the shocking and sad stories about Josh Duggar and the molestation accusations that have been all ov
Brannon Howse: May 22, 2015 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Islamic State controls half of Syria and takes Ramadi in Iraq on the way to Baghdad. Topic: Iran threatens 80 thousan
Brannon Howse: May 21, 2015 Does the grace of God cover unborn and born infants and small children that die before they are able to understand faith, repentance, the sinful depra
Brannon Howse: May 20, 2015 Biblically Refuting Annihilationism (Part Two) Annihilationists believe that a person goes to hell for a period of time and then is annihilated. In pa
Brannon Howse: May 19, 2015 Biblically Refuting Annihilationism (Part One) Annihilationist believe that a person goes to hell for a period of time and then is annihilated. Annihi
Brannon Howse: May 18, 2015 Topic: Are the elders of a church to rule over you and micromanage what job you take, what college you attend, who you marry, how many children you ha
Brannon Howse: May 15, 2015 Topic: What is genetically modified food? Can genetically modified food be good as well as bad? Today we hear a portion of an audio by neurosurgeon Dr
Brannon Howse: May 14, 2015 Today Brannon explains how for two years he has struggled with some health issues that he now believes may be a gluten allergy? What is a gluten aller
Brannon Howse: May 13, 2015 Guest: Mike Gendron. Topic: Mike Gendron called in to the radio program of Eric Metaxas on Monday to confront and correct Eric Metaxas but why? Hear t
Brannon Howse: May 12, 2015 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for Ask Dr. John. Question: Has anyone discovered the remains of Noahs Ark? Question: Please explain Elishas act
Brannon Howse: May 11, 2015 What is your source of authorityand truth? That is the question Mike Gendron asked and answered in one of his two keynote presentations from Branson 2
Brannon Howse: May 8, 2015 Topic: The International Monetary Fund may approve the Chinese Yuan as a new world reserve currency as soon as October 20, 2015. This would add five c
Brannon Howse: May 7, 2015 On this broadcast Brannon plays a portion of the Q&A with Dr. John MacArthur from the April 2015 Branson Worldview Weekend. This was a highlight of th
Brannon Howse: May 6, 2015 Religion That Robs Widows: Today Brannon plays a portion of the Branson 2015 keynote by Jesse Johnson. Sadly, many pastors and Christians have used Ma
Brannon Howse: May 5th, 2015 Today we play a portion of the powerful keynote presentation by Pastor Mike Abendroth that he delivered at the Branson 2015 Worldview Weekend. Hell is
Brannon Howse: May 4, 2015 Guest: Rob Congdon. Topic: Tony Blair calls for former world leaders to oversee the governments of the world. How does this potentially fit with what
Crosstalk: May 1, 2015 This program featured the perspective of listeners as they presented what they believe is America's greatest threat. Before Jim took calls, he pres
Brannon Howse: May 1, 2015 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Topic: EPA spends $84,000 to study churches that promote Sustainable Development. Topic: A Middle Eastern Regional Wa
Brannon Howse: April 30, 2015 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb Joins us for Ask Dr. John. Question: Do Satan and the demons still have access to heaven as in Job 1:6? Question: Will Americ
Brannon Howse: April 28, 2015 Guest: Pastor George Lawson. Pastor Lawson is the teaching pastor at Baltimore Bible Church and he joins us today to report live from the very spot wh
Brannon Howse: April 27, 2015 Guest: Mike Abendroth, Mike Gendron, Tommy Ice, and Justin Peters. These men join us to give testimony about the weekend of ministry at the Branson 20
Brannon Howse: April 22, 2015 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Today in Israel the Nation stops to remember 22,320 fallen soldiers. Topic: Israel begins it's 67th Birthday as the N
Brannon Howse: April 21, 2015 Charles Clough is our guest today. Charles is an MIT graduate and served as a staff meteorologist with the Department of the Army in charge of atmosph
Brannon Howse: April 20, 2015 Guest: Rob Congdon author of The European Union and the Supra-Religion. Over 2500 years ago God revealed through the prophet Daniel that the Roman Emp
Brannon Howse: April 17, 2015 Guest: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Topic: Israel comes to a complete standstill as they stop to remember 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust. Topic: Iraqi m
Brannon Howse: April 16, 2015 Guest: Dr. John Whitcomb. Dr. Whitcomb fought in World War II and fought in the Battle of the Bulge which has been described as the largest and bloodi
Brannon Howse: April 15, 2015 Topic: Pulpit Swapping. Under the banner of promoting unity some so-called conservative churches are allowing theologically liberal pastors and even f